CWGA’s “Diamonds in the Rough” Stagette

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Let’s get together for an all-inclusive FREE, exciting, fun filled day with lots of golf games, prizes, drinks and great food!

 When:     Thursday, October 3

 Time:       Check-in at 1:00 Sharp! Stop by Pro Shop if you need to pay.

Score cards will be distributed on patio. Pre-golf drinks and treats to follow.

 Procedure: Sign-up through Golf Genius. Golf Genius invitation will be sent on Wednesday, September 19. There will be NO $5 entry fee.

Dinner: Sign up in the Pro Shop in CWGA Binder no later than Sept. 26No exceptions!  Cost is $0.  That’s right, FREE! Menu will be a pasta bar, salad and plenty of beverages!

 Events To Include:

  • Pre-Party in the Pavilion
  • Shot-Gun Golf
  • Cocktail Hour in the Pavilion After Golf
  • Dinner, Annual Meeting, Awards in the Dining Room
  • Bingo with Prizes

 Prizes awarded to the Best Bling. Voting to take place on the course!

 Questions:  Coleen Larson, 503-290-8299, or Janet Ferguson, 503-939-6256,