Please be respectful about Tuesday and Thursday Day’s Play Sign-ups. It’s like playing golf in the non-posting season; you can move your ball out of that divot or rough, but in the posting season you have to play your ball as it lies. Tuesday you can request tee times and foursomes, but on Thursday it is random tee times and random foursomes. Please refrain from putting us in the awkward position of refusing your request for Thursday.

  1. Seven days before TUESDAY & THURSDAY Day’s Play two (2) email invitations will be sent via Golf Genius to all CWGA members.
  2. Each invitation will be for 18-hole play and 9-hole play; you will need to choose either 18-hole play or 9-hole play. You will need to choose playing and confirm your selection to play.
  3. A member can choose not to sign up by selecting “Not Playing” or by ignoring the invitation(s), if you do not want to play.
  4. Tuesday’s game will always be low gross/low net and there will be no payouts.
  5. Thursday’s game will be described in the email invitation. Flights and payouts will be calculated on number of players playing.
  6. Tuesday Only: When signing up to play a pop up allows players to send a message to the manager. Members can indicate the players they would like to have included in their foursome. (All members of the foursome will need to have answered their invitation “playing”.)
  7. Golf Genius Managers will endeavor to honor requests for Tuesday playing partners.
  8. Tuesday players may sign up individually and the Golf Genius Manager will assign players to a foursome.
  9. Thursday players will be randomly mixed using Golf Genius. Special request for tee times or to play with members cannot be granted.
  10. TUESDAY & THURSDAY Golf Genius Invitation’s close three days before each Day’s Play.
  11. If you have to cancel BEFORE the Day Of Play please contact the Golf Genius Manager listed in the email.
  12. Morning Cancellations: If you cancel on the morning of Day’s Play, please contact the pro shop.
  13. TUESDAY & THURSDAY Day’s Play Scoring Committee will enter scores into Golf Genius and post scores to GHIN for players.
  14. The Leaderboard will be published to the to the CWGA web site.




Signing Up For Play Days