Looking for Players interested in being part of this season’s Charbonneau WIP team

 What is WIP?:  WIP  is a Women’s only inter club 2 person team match play competition played with other OGA clubs in the area; it plays the third Monday of each month. (May-October). 

It is an opportunity to play other golf courses and meet other women golfers in the area.  It is specifically designed to give women of all skill levels this opportunity.

Our Charbonneau Team sends 6 people  (3 teams)  of varying handicaps (2 low, 2 medium and 2 high)  to play  each month. People new to playing are paired with others that have played before.

 Each team plays Gross and Net match play as twosome team against another team with similar handicaps  

Those individual golfers participating on the Charbonneau Team usually play once or twice in the season. 

 Do  you think you might be interested in playing this year?

Peg Wells  and Sue Oberg  are Captain and co-captain  this year for Charbonneau’s WIP Team

If you are interested in more information and playing please contact:

Peg Wells:   memeregolf@charter.net   

Sue Oberg: blacknosey@mac.com

(Those who have played in the past do not need to contact Peg and Sue at this time)

Next Step:

After the the Captains organizational meeting at OGA April 18th, Peg and Sue will send out an email to all those interested in playing as well as those who have played in the past, to choose months they would be available to play.



2022 OGA Women’s Interclub Play (WIP)

Season Schedule

Match 1 – May 16th Rose City GC

Match 2 – June 20th Michelbook CC

Match 3 – July  18th Rock Creek CC

Match 4 – August  15th OGA GC

Match 5 – September  19th Quail Valley CC