The Handicap Competition is set for Thursday, July 13, with tee times starting at 8:29; and Friday, July 14, with tee times starting at 12:02 p.m. It appears that we only posted the Save-the-Date flyer back in June, and the rules of the competition that went out on July 5th. We hope this explains why the sign-ups are low… so low that Chris is asking us to be prepared to relinquish some of our tee times next week. Please consider signing up to play. It’s two days of golf, and this time it’s the NET winner who becomes champion. High handicaps help! Don’t miss it because you think you can’t win! It’s golf, and it’s fun!
SIGN UP BY JULY 10th at noon! There’s a notebook on the CWGA counter in the Pro Shop, where you add your name, and pay $5. And be sure to accept the invitation from Golf Genius to assure you’re playing.