Pink Ball Payment Reminder

The Niners have asked us to remind our members who have registered for the Pink Ball Tournament to please pay as soon as possible so they don’t have to make calls.

Knight Cancer Institute Tour

On Wednesday, September 24, we have scheduled a tour of the new OHSU Knight Cancer Institute to kick off our Pink Ball Golf Tournament 2022. The tour will start at 11:00 a.m. and last an hour.

OHSU has lined up one of their TOP researchers to speak to us on the latest advances for ALL cancers. We are also taken on a tour of private floors (not available to general public) to see doctors/researchers hard at work! It is a very interesting tour.

If you would like to attend, please reply to Mary Fieweger 503-519-4388 or

We are met at OHSU and will have underground parking.

Want to carpool? Many are meeting at the Activity Center at 10:15 a.m. If you can drive…great!

I am available for questions.

Thank You,

Mary Fieweger