We are down to three weeks until the Men’s Invitational. We are grateful for all of you who have volunteered to help with this important fundraising event for CWGA. It is scheduled for August 1-2.

We still need the following:
One volunteer for Friday Breakfast 7:30-10AM
One volunteer for drink carts on Friday 10-noon
Two substitutes for Friday, just as a back-up

The entire volunteer chart is attached. Our preference is that everyone wear red shirts and black or white shorts or skorts. However, we know several people may not have the red, so black or white will be ok.  Please wear your name tags!

For questions on breakfast, drink carts, or substitutes, please call either of us. For questions on the other committees, please contact the co-chairs listed at the top.
Hope you all are staying cool this week!

Janet Ferguson & Kathy Harp

